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Can you keep a secret?... so can i! great for when someone askes how its done.
one of my favorite patter lines....perfect in coin tricks. "There are 3 types of people in this world...those who can count and those who can't"
The magician takes a cracker or cookie. "I can make this disappear." (Now do a french drop or other vanish move, but keep your hand closed.Reach into your pocket for 'magic fairy dust', at the same time crumble the cookie up in your hand, and sprinkle the crumbs on top of your closed hand 'with the cookie in it'. Now show it has vanished.) "OK, I admit, it's a crumby trick."
(Magician borries an item of value) "You know, I got a really short-term memory. Who gave me this again?" The moron says,"I did." You say, "Ho, thanks a lot," and put it in your pocket. You can substitute 'Ho' for something else if you don't be likin' that word.) You can also say, "You all witnessed what he said, right? He GAVE ME this money."
"Pick any card. Not that one."
(Magician holds up a lighter, and a match, or some item that weighs less)and asks,"Which one of these is heavier?"(They pick the lighter)"No, thats the 'lighter'."
(Magician borrows a ring, or other item)"Don't worry, you'll get your ring back. This is my third time doing this trick, and I've only lost what, two rings?"
"Wanna see the fastest card trick in the world?"(magician doesn't move)"Wanna see it again?"(This is old, but a lot of people haven't heard of it.)
"I will make this one-dollar bill worth more in value. Maybe a ten, maybe a twenty, I don't know.(Magician folds up bill, then un-folds it.)"See? Now you see it 'in-creases' "
"You know, I hate this marker. You see that worn off writing on the side? Well, it used to say 'permanent' "