Original Author: Ed Marlo
4 Kings Trick
EFFECT: Four aces change to four kings. A very pleasant effect. Enjoy
THE TRICK: Remove from the deck any red ace, tossing it face down onto the table. On to it, remove and toss face-down the AC.
Now remove the two red kings (as one card) and place them face-down onto the tabled cards. Finally cull and toss face-down on top of all the AS.
You have apparently removed four unknown cards. Place the deck to one side. Turn this packet face-up and via the Elmsley count, apparently count and display four aces.
After the count, the resulting order from face down will be: red ace-as-ac-two red kings. Turn the packet facedown and slide the cards off counting the cards as four, holding the last two cards as one. But dont reverse there order.
In returning the first three cards counted into the right hand place them onto the one(?) remaining in the left hand, you will have an opportunity to automatically hold a three-card break beneath them.
Do a triple lift and show the ac. Turn the ac face-down and deal the top card (a red king) face-down onto the table. single buckle and do another triple lift showing the as. Turn down block and deal the other red king face down onto the table.
Now turn the remaining cards face-up and squared, revealing a red ace at the face. Take these cards into the right hand into position and readiness for the D'Amico Spread.
The left hand picks up the deck and holds it face down in the left hand dealing position. Now Execute the D'Amico spread but, with the faces of the cards towards yourself as you say:"...and the two red aces go on top of the deck. Flip the cards face-down onto the deck.
Riffle the deck and cleanly thumb off the top two black aces face-up onto the table. finish by showing the red kings on the table.